Welcome to my websiteLast login: today (now) on ttys001 from yourcomputerLooks like JavaScript is disabled in your browser.For better experience I recommend you to enable it, but you can leave everything as it is.This is kind easter egg.georgiiimeshkenov@veritaris /home/veritaris/ $ javascript
-vsh: javascript: not enabledgeorgiiimeshkenov@veritaris /home/veritaris/ $ ls
ls whoami github linkedin gpg_fingerprint sendmeamessagegeorgiiimeshkenov@veritaris /home/veritaris/ $ whoami
name: Georgii Imeshkenov
email: georgiiimeshkenov@gmail.com
bachelor: ITMO University, low temperature physics
master: MIPT, particle physics and cosmology
profession: Python and Java developer
currentJob: Sr Data Engineer at MetaMap
georgiiimeshkenov@veritaris /home/veritaris/ $ cat gpg_fingerprint
GPG fingerprint: 98C3 9503 6AC6 DF13 7B5C 75A9 5587 A8E3 4783 132E
georgiiimeshkenov@veritaris /home/veritaris/ $ ./github
georgiiimeshkenov@veritaris /home/veritaris/ $ ./linkedin
georgiiimeshkenov@veritaris /home/veritaris/ $ ./sendmeamessage \